2020 Infomediary Sector Report

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Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to present the Report on the Spanish Infomediary Sector for 2020, which outlines, as in every year, the situation of this Sector in Spain.

These days we are experiencing a complicated situation both in our country and in the rest of the world, in Asedie we are aware of the need to follow the advice of the authorities to avoid risk situations and we have wanted to act with the responsibility that corresponds to us as an Association and as Infomediary Sector representatives in Spain. As a result, we decided to cancel the Reports presential presentation, a decision that has not been taken lightly as we believe that it is vital to publish this data in the moment for it to remain valid. The economic nature of our report implies that the indicators reflected become obsolete in a short time. Moved by this reality, we have worked to maintain the Report’s publication as planned, adapting to the situation, and reinventing the way to convey and share the results.

We are accompanied in this presentation by different public organizations, which have made a great effort to be with us and have sent us their messages supporting the format of this presentation: the National Geographic Information Centre, the Transparency and Good Governance General Directorate of the Castilla y León Region and the OECD’s Open Data and Digital Government Unit.

I cannot fail to mention in these lines that, dated yesterday, the 17th of March, we signed the General Action Protocol with the Transparency, Territorial Planning and Foreign Action Department of the Castilla y León Region, to improve access to public information.

In Asedie we want to express our gratitude to each and every one of the people who have collaborated making it possible to present the Report on the Spanish Infomediary Sector 2020 today, a special mention to Emilio López, Joaquín Meseguer, Barbara Ubaldi, our Information Sources Commission president, Luis Hernández Cuadrado, our associate Marcos Campos and the General Secretary of Asedie.

Below you can find different explanatory videos (in Spanish) about the data presented in the Report, highlighting the 8th editions most relevant and innovative aspects, the report can also be found in English.

Receive a warm greeting,

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Mr. Ignacio Jiménez Presidente of Asedie


Nacional Geographic Information Centre

Geographic data, a key piece for the Infomediary Sector

Emilio López

Castilla y León Region

Castilla y León committed to open data and ready for 2020

Joaquín Meseguer


Creating value through open data reuse: the ecosystem’s role

Barbara Ubaldi


We present the 8th edition of the Infomediary Sector Report

As every year, we have prepared our Infomediary Sector Report with the aim of promoting and highlighting the real size of a sector in growth, both in the Spanish economy and worldwide. We intend, once again, to show how the Infomediary Sector intervenes in commercial transactions, giving confidence and providing legal and economic security to society through information re-use.


The report’s main findings

This video (in Spanish) contains the recipe for our report. The Sector’s evolution, number of companies, volume of sales or the number of workers that it comprises is some of the information that can be found.

Top 3 Asedie

The Associations, Cooperatives and Foundations datasets were selected as priority by Asedie, naming them "Top 3 Asedie 2019". In this video (in Spanish) you can see how the opening of this information has evolved in the autonomous regions over the last year and we present a new challenge for 2020.